Certified TISAX® Practitioner (CTISAXP)
A highly knowledge oriented Practitioner level certification for an implementer or Auditor of TISAX standard / framework
This three-days live virtual (online) course, delivered across the globe as an in-class session too, is focused on equipping delegates from corporates and individuals who want to work on implementing or auditing TISAX® controls.
Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX®) is a cyber security control assessment audit method, used in the automotive industry. The ENX Association acts as a governance organisation of TISAX®. This course is intended to enable one with all skills required to implement TISAX® in an organisation and understand thoroughly what is involved in the assessment. This course is very comprehensive and covers all necessary elements for an implementer as well as an auditor.
This course will help a practitioner and an auditor alike to perform their duties related to TISAX® conformance.
What you will learn?
What is TISAX®?
The concept of vehicle data security
VDA and ENX Association, their roles
The steps in TISAX® process
Scope definition
Who is a ‘participant’?
Areas of assessment
VDA ISA document
Understanding of the document
Interpretation of the requirements
Information security
Prototype protection
Data protection
Assessment modalities
How to do a self-assessment
The Assessment process & The Assessment types
Assessment elements
Assessment Report & TISAX® labels
Preparation for assessment
The ‘exchange platform’ and the ways to share the assessment results
Assessment results
Sharing and publishing the assessment results
Registration process
TISAX® Implementation steps
Course highlights
Provides a comprehensive understanding of TISAX®
Helps establishing the relationship between TISAX®, information security and data privacy
Helps establishing relationships between TISAX® and industry established frameworks and standards
Provides a structure to learning the conformance requirements
Provides a perspective on automotive security requirements and how TISAX® helps meeting these
A right and appropriate interpretation of TISAX®
This course is suitable for:
Quality / InfoSec / TISAX® auditors
TISAX® implementers
Quality managers
Business excellence professionals
Information security professionals
Automotive company vendors
Anyone contributing to automotive industry in some manner
Course delivered by an accredited instructor with many industry recognized qualifications.
What you get?
Official digital course material access
Online certification exam at the end of the session
Training session by a well experienced practitioner with practical directions for compliance
Course delivered online as instructor led live virtual course or class room session. Delivered across the globe.
Total questions for the exam: 50 Multiple Choice Questions.
Exam duration: 90 minutes
Exam mode: Online, remotely proctored and paper based.
Contact for further details. See the schedule here.
Note: This course and certification are independent of VDA or ENX Association. We do not have direct relationship with VDA and/or ENX Association. The trademarks are registered and owned by the respective owners like VDA and ENX Association.
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